Technion – Israel Institute of Technology
The Technion is one of Israel’s biggest research bodies, located in the city of Haifa. With a world-renowned reputation, The Technion has been among the Top 100 universities in the Academic Ranking of World Universities for five consecutive years (the Shanghai Ranking). In addition, two of The Technion’s researchers have won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry.
The Technion main areas of research are:
- Exact Sciences
- Engineering
- Mathematics and Computer Science
- Medicine and Bioinformatics
The Technion is home to research institutes in a wide range of fields:
- Solid State Institute
- The Norman & Helen Asher Space Research Institute
- The Russell Berrie Nanotechnology Institute
- The Technion Autonomous Systems Program
- The Grand Technion Energy Program
- The Ben and Esther Rosenblum Nanoelectronics by Bioelectronics Center
- The J.W. Ullmann Center for Manufacturing Systems and Robotics
- The J. Silver Research Center for Bio-Medical Engineering
- The Research Center for Intelligent Systems
- The Lise Meitner-Minerva Center for Computational Quantum Chemistry
To visit the Technion website, please click here.